I Decided to take some pictures on my run today! It was such a beautiful day, 60 degrees! I wanted to search for spring and I found it!!!!!! So uplifting to see Color instead of white and grey! I loved working with my new camera! It wasn't spring everywhere I had to search for it. Its mostly brown but I found it! While I was taking the pictures of the flowers in the neighborhood I felt like I was doing something illegal. I mean am I allowed to take pictures of peoples yards? I only stayed on the sidewalk. There was one house where I looked up and this guy was staring at me from his window. Then as I put my camera away and starting jogging away he came out and I kept running! Then I felt like everyone was watching me and I got all paranoid!! haha I was trying to look all natural and normal like I wasn't doing anything wrong which probably made me look more guilty. And while I'm thinking all of this I'm sure no one is watching me and its all in my head! I must have looked like a crazy person! hahaha Anyways I got the pictures so mission accomplished! I hope you enjoy!

Someone doing their Gardening

Green Grass outside of our apartment

And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
~Thomas Blackburn

My favorite; Red Tulips

This house had a bunch of gnomes and little statues all over their yard! ha
Beautiful sky

I love yellow!

I run by this Tree everyday. Now this poor Tree has been worn down by the relentless Rexburg Wind, literally, its almost touching the ground. I pity this Tree because I hate the wind and am about worn down by it also!
Eric with his spring face! ha I am so grateful for my husband who is so good to me. Also that he gave me the camera. Let me just say that he is the perfect guy for me and I'm lucky to be married to him!!
Today has given me hope for warmer weather! Spring at Last!!!!