Our Road Trip!!!
Some pictures of the view during our drive
We saw a Rainbow on the way, such a good start to our weekend

Eric and I stayed at Amber's house for the first night! It was so nice spending time with all of them! Lacey was so cute and seriously growing so fast so excuse all of the pictures of her, I couldn't help it!!
Lacey loves Amy, she can say her name perfectly
Amy got her to laugh and I got a picture, so cute!!!
Amber Went into Labor saturday morning! While she was at the hospital Eric, Mark and I went out to breakfast and we got the privilege of watching Lacey!!
Eric and his dad look so much alike!!
So Adorable!!
I told Lacey to smile and this is what she did! Love it!!
After Breakfast we went to the hospital and met our new niece, Ella Kate! 6 lbs 18 1/2 inches. Ella was so small and so cute!
We love our niece Ella! She is so Beautiful!
After all of the excitement with Eric's family we went to my Davis Family Campout! I loved catching up with all my aunts, uncles and cousins! I love Family time!!
Eric's and my 5 man tent! We are happy to finally use it haha!
Other than the rain, and cold night we spent in the tent, we love camping!!
My mom, Kira, and me
My aunt Janet and Karina
Neal, Jessica, Tyler, Aunali, Sarah, Makenna and friend
The crew that hogged the fire all weekend! ;) haha
Lindsey and Kelly! The Downings came for dinner!
I told shane to take a picture for Dee and he got really into it! haha Its his hug and kiss for Dee! bahahahahaha
Grandma and Grandpa!!! We Love Them!!!!!!!!!
Aubri and my new cousin Amelia 6 weeks old! There was a waiting list to hold her! Seriously so popular!
Kira and Bay
Me and Kira!!!!
I took this picture first of my parents, Bryce, Bay, and Max
(bahaha Bryce's Face!)
But then Kira and Belle' wanted in also haha
Ella and me a.k.a Ariel!!
When Ella and I first met I told her my husbands name was Eric and she was all "Prince Eric!!!!! Are you Ariel??!!" and I said " Why yes! Yes I am!" And from that point on she loved me!!!
When my Dad first met her he said "you know what Ella? I like you!!" and she said "I like you!!" and my dad replied "I like you more because I have a reason why I like you, You are so cute!" her response was "You are Beautiful!!!" hahahaha
These two fought over this toy all weekend!! hahahaha
As you can see Jackson won!! hahaha
Aubri and me!! I've missed her!
Dah Boys!
I told them to do a funny picture and this lame picture is all they could come up with so we tried again.
Much better!!
Kira playing the Guitar!!! We loved to sing while she serenaded us :)
Jack Attack!!!!!! Jackson is so adorable, also Ella's brother so cutest family award goes out to wayne and Karina!!!
Aunali and her mom!!! My Aunt Raeanne
I love this picture its so us! Bryce and Eric acting like lovers, Paul on me and biting Kira. My Mom posing like a bird? haha and my dad just acting cool. Oh and we probably forgot Dee somewhere? hahaha Thats typical on family vacations! haha Love it!!
After Camp out we went back to Amber's and spent more time with our new niece Ella! Then we packed up and went home!
On the ride home Eric and I saw another rainbow, but not just any rainbow! A Full Double Rainbow!! What does it mean??? haha It was the perfect ending to our Road Trip!
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