Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who said that Crocheting is for Grandmas????

I have recently taken up a new hobby! I am learning how to crochet! I am making two baby bibs for my soon to be neice! I make them by taking two different peices of cute complimentary fabrics and I sew them together by crocheting around the side, kind of like a lace lining around it. It is so cute and so fun to be able to make something completely from scratch! Its something that makes me feel like an accomplished women. Well, I've been talking to my clients about my new hobby and guess what their response is? This will surprise you, "Isn't crocheting for grandmas? hahaha" or "What? Are you turning 90 tomorrow? hahaha" HAHAHAHAHAHA...........Not!!!!!!!! Who said that crocheting is for grandmas?!??!? Grandmas didn't just decide to crochet when they turned 70! Most of them had to of learned it when they were younger! Plus the older you get the more achey you get, so why would crocheting, which is a studious and painstaking task, be for Grandmas? Then the older you get the worse your eyesite gets so why would something that has the tiniest holes in which you have to pull tiny string through be for grandmas!? Plus who says that a Grandma is even old? A grandma could be in their 40's and know how to crochet, meaning you don't have to be 90 to crochet!!

Who doesn't want to be like their grandma????? I mean, if you believe this nonsense of crocheting is only what grandmas do. why wouldn't you want to learn it and become as accomplished and amazing as your grandma? What are you going to do when you become a grandma and you don't know how to crochet? Then you'll be the laughing stock of the whole knitting club!! Thus you will be wishing that you learned to crochet BEFORE you were a grandma. So like I said
"Who said that crocheting is for Grandmas???????"


  1. Nicole - My sentiment exactly! I recently took up crocheting again myself. I used to crochet in my younger days - forgot about it for many years, and have just picked it up again. I have made 3 afghans since christmas and I'm loving it! I'm addicted to granny squares!! Their small and easy to do anywhere - you can take them on vacation (which I've done) and then when you get enough done, you put them together. Maybe I should take a picture of my afghans and blog about it -

  2. you totally should!!!!! And maybe you can teach me something by it!!!
