Ok so lately I'm figuring out that when I have absolutely nothing to do all day, it results with boredom and a serious re-evaluation of my life! So, I decided to figure out what I like to do. I mean I like reading books but only for so long and not when I'm bored. I guess I'm weird like that, I only like reading books when I'm in the mood. I guess I feel like if I just do it because there is nothing better to do I won't love it as much! Anyways.....I don't mind cleaning! Its like in my normal busy life, cleaning is such a hassle, but now that I'm seriously bored I'm almost relieved that I have dishes to do and laundry to fold! hahaha Why am I cleaning and not reading books?????? Ok so this I'm not proud of......I watch minimum of at least 3 hours of TV a day! I hate TV, seriously i loathe it, but I'm addicted. What better passes time than sitting and watching shows that make you feel like you're part of the world and actually doing something when you're really not doing anything?? The answer is Nothing!! I'm addicted to TV! Its like a drug...I get High off of it and have a good run for 2-5 hours then when I come out of it I'm at an all time low! Then I need to work out or read scriptures or just go outside!!! I have started working out every morning to start my day out pro-active, but my TV runs really trump any amount of activity that I did that morning! Well, I talked to Eric about my loss of passion, motivation etc......... for life. The next day he sat me down and said " Nicole can I criticize you??" and I was all " Ya of course! (but in my head....NO NO NO! I mean lets be honest I just wanted to know what he was going to say, that doesn't mean I want to hear it) so he starts out with explaining how I've been sad lately and how he thinks he knows how to fix it. He says " I just think that you need some goals in your life" yes he said GOALS!!! Then he went through my everyday life of how lazy I've been and how I have no goals set for the day, and how cleaning here and there and working out doesn't count. and while he is telling me all of this I just can't get over the word "Goals". What does it mean??? I haven't heard that word for a long time! Well, I have thought about it and Eric is brilliant!! I need some goals in my life! When was the last time I set some serious goals to improve myself and just everyday life around me! And what better time to focus on the little things to improve than when you have nothing to do all day! Ok so here they are....
~Learn how to cook (Yup! married for 2 years and still doesn't know how to cook)
Ok so if anyone has some good recipes let me know!
~Get in the habit of keeping the house cleaned (like deep clean more often and do dishes every night)
~No more than 2 hours of TV a day (I have to be realistic so 2 is something I can do, I know I have issues) Things to do when I'm bored and No TV:
*Quote Journal
*Scripture study and Journal
*Research more baby names
*Write Dee
*Learn a new song on youtube
~Learn about Interior Design ( for future home)
Good luck with your goals! I know, it is so easy to let TV run my life. After watching it for so long it is like my spirit disconnects from my body and I have no energy to put them back together. Goals are a great idea, I think I'll set some too :)